miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2008

How can we be more Environmentally friendly at notre dame?

I think the best idea to help others and to new students I think the school could do more school activities so that the students can meet among themselves and as in others countrys like Chile there is a day that is called the day of the student where each class prepares singning or dancing and present it to the entire school .

A summary about Britney Spears !

Britney Spears is taking her circus act on the road .In an apperance on abc's good morning america .

The pop star announced that her north american arena tour will open march 3 in new orleans .

The pop star announced for canadian dates as part of the tour .

Spears is set to perform in toronto at the air canada centre in march 18, bell centre in montreal on march 20 ,Edmonton 's rexal place on april 6,and vancouver's gm place on april 8.

because Spears was the most popular search term in yahoo for the fourth year in a row her seventh time topping the list .

Personal interview .......

1-What is your name?
2-Where did you grow up?
3-what are the differences between now and when you are young?
4-What is your goal in life?
5-What is your favorite music?
6-What are your favorite sport?
7-Which country you would like to travel?
8-Which aspects of your personality you would like to change?
9-What was your most challenging experience?
10-You feel happy with your profession?

viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2008

Top five favorite movies of my classmates!






jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2008

The Bytowne Trip!

All the ESL estudients went to a historical museum in the capital city of Ottawa, Canada. There we learned about their culture. What impressed me the most was the dress for women and also how Ottawa was chosen by the queen to be the capital city of Canada. It was fun see how a city which is charasterized for being a boring city became more interesting for me.Also one of the most exciting things that we saw was the parlaiment building that is one of the most important buildings in the country because is where the prime minister of Canada works and where he directs the whole country and is one of the most visited by turists .I think it was incredible for as have been inside to the parlaiment it was a very nice experience .

After all that we saw exciting was the lunch time where we could also experiment a very nice place in Ottawa that was the BYWARD MARKET where only sell fresh fruits and vegetables and where we could see how them with their own hands creating beautiful necklaces and bracelets .


Is an experience recommended for all people who want to learn .......

An important part of my life......

This is one of the places where they are the years of my life VINA DEL MAR where I was born I would like to see again the sea.HERE I'm giong to show a little more pictures of my city of birth.

Some of the things I represent.

This group mean a lot to me because is one of my favorite groups and it means a very nice part of my life always singning his songs because represent as I am one of my favorite songs is called SAVE ME that was one of the songs that I sing here at school in coffe house this year .The group name is RBD that's mean in spanish rebelde and in english rebel. This group is mexican.

miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2008

I'm Melanie Alexandra Cisternas Gallardo.........born in October 09,1991 quilpue VI region chile spanish is my first language of which I'm very proud I'm the older sister of paula and diego .I have always lived with many people.I have always been a girl very quiet and insecure but with many dreams first to see my brother who lives with his father in chile the second is to be a great singer or anything related to art sometimes I a very impulsive girl I 'm here in canada almost two years after the death of my grandmother the hardest thing for me is to be here not because I do not like the country It's because sometimes I feel very along here and I want to see my brother but here too I have a great future and also know people who love a lot and being here has helped me to mature and love more my sister and mother I also a very sensitive girl I try to make friends but sometimesI can't and I prefier to be along but not everything is bad because I'm a girl very happy and I love to sing and dance my goal is to learn to speak better english. IN THIS IS A BIT OF MY STORY ..............AND LITTLE LIKE MYSELF .