miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2008

I'm Melanie Alexandra Cisternas Gallardo.........born in October 09,1991 quilpue VI region chile spanish is my first language of which I'm very proud I'm the older sister of paula and diego .I have always lived with many people.I have always been a girl very quiet and insecure but with many dreams first to see my brother who lives with his father in chile the second is to be a great singer or anything related to art sometimes I a very impulsive girl I 'm here in canada almost two years after the death of my grandmother the hardest thing for me is to be here not because I do not like the country It's because sometimes I feel very along here and I want to see my brother but here too I have a great future and also know people who love a lot and being here has helped me to mature and love more my sister and mother I also a very sensitive girl I try to make friends but sometimesI can't and I prefier to be along but not everything is bad because I'm a girl very happy and I love to sing and dance my goal is to learn to speak better english. IN THIS IS A BIT OF MY STORY ..............AND LITTLE LIKE MYSELF .

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